Sizing Commercial UV Systems
Establishing flow rate requirements in GPM is critical to selecting the correct UV system for your application. Advanced Sanitizers like UV-C are excellent for destroying or inactivating dangerous contaminants that can be present in any pool.

Advanced Sanitizers like UV-C are excellent for destroying or inactivating dangerous contaminants that can be present in any pool. They are effective on microorganisms, viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. Unlike chlorine, UV-C is effective in a wide pH range.
Chlorine has been the most popular pool sanitizer for over 100 years. By working along-side chlorine, UV-C makes chlorine even more effective as a sanitizer, making pools safer. Chlorine is also hindered by chloramine build-up in the water. UV breaks down chloramines, freeing up available chlorine. Chloramine removal also eliminates bad pool smells and increases bather comfort.
Del UV-C Pro Systems are NSF certified for Supplemental Disinfection of Pools and Spas. Our NSF 50 certification is a third-party guarantee that the Del system is actively making the water safe and clean. This level of sanitization is required in commercial applications.